David Lopez | General Manager/Sr. Property Manager | 713.581.7166 | dlopez@jonesonmain.com |
Steve Stanley | Property Manager | 713.547.5884 | sstanley@jonesonmain.com |
Johnny Reyes | F&B Operations Manager | 713.547.5875 | jreyes@jonesonmain.com |
Tameka Warren | Assistant Property Manager | 713.581.7162 | twarren@jonesonmain.com |
Michael Gardner | Chief Building Engineer | 713.581.7165 | mgardner@jonesonmain.com |
General Questions/Facilities Issue | propertymanager@jonesonmain.com |
Your happiness and satisfaction during your tenancy are of the utmost importance to us.
Our office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for holidays.
The Management Office is located at:
712 Main Street, Suite 150, Houston, TX 77002
We look forward to working with you to create a productive and enjoyable experience for your company and visitors. If you have any ideas, suggestions, compliments or complaints, please feel free to call us. We will be happy to hear from you!